Puzzles and Games

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House of Dragons coffee shop and puzzleriet opens

We’ve worked all through the dark Norwegian winter to remodel a coffee shop right here on Dragon Shores, and we’re excited to be opening on the 6th of May. We thought you may like to take a look before we open our doors next week. Here’s what we’ve been up to!
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The main coffee shop seating area. Dragon art, puzzles on the tables, good sound and good vibes. We had a lot of fun making the giant 5-layer dragon on the wall!
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Serving up coffee, lattes, cappacinos, light lunch, cake and ice cream.
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Here’s a close-up of the lamp over the counter … it’s made from 60 dragons!
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This is a quieter reading room with bookshelves of puzzle- and art-books, and a wall full of original dragon art.
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Our gaming room, stocked with board games and puzzles
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The store, with our 15 or so original puzzles and a variety of other art and creations we enjoy making.
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A room work room where we pack puzzles and work on projects. It can readily convert to a meeting room for a group of 20.
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The lobby is populated with a tree, flapping dragons, and an art gallery.
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Our bathrooms feature dragon faucets, dragon paper holders, dragon mirrors, and, well, you get the idea!
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Our garden is still under construction, but the outdoor pergola will be ready by the end of the week. We’re planning on having dragon sculptures, play equipment, and a puzzle trail.
If you’re ever in our area of Norway, stop in! We’ve love to chat over a good cup of coffee and a dragon puzzle or two!

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