It’s been busy for us this year on Dragon Shores with the opening of our new dragon- and puzzle-themed coffee shop and lots of action developing (and playing with!) puzzles. We’ve been prototyping new puzzles and trying them out in our coffee shop.Here’s the latest news… and some coin puzzles you can have ready to share with your friends and family at any time.
A-Puzzle-A-Day is a great gift!
Just a quick reminder that A-Puzzle-A-Day and other DragonFjord puzzles make great holiday gifts for any age… family, friends, coworkers, anyone on your list! Order from for special prices, or you can find A-Puzzle-A-Day on Amazon in many countries for fast delivery.
Premium App Version – choose your own dates!
Our A-Puzzle-A-Day app now has the option to upgrade to a premium version where you can travel to any date in the last 365 days and score for up to 3 solutions on that date. Unlock the full calendar, fill in missed dates, and go for a full year of solves!

New Languages
We are now offering A-Puzzle-A-Day in French and Spanish, making for 6 language options on our popular A-Puzzle-A-Day puzzle. Visit to choose your version!
Holiday Coin Puzzles
We’re going to start trying something new. We know a LOT of great puzzles and brainteasers. With our newsletters, we’re going to share some of favorites.
Here’s a couple of coin puzzles for you that are easy to have ready and in your pocket. These are fun to try yourself and are nice puzzles to share at family gatherings or while waiting in a restaurant.
Wolves and Sheep coin puzzle
For this puzzle you need 6 coins, 3 of one kind and 3 of another. We’ll use Norwegian coins here, but coins from any country work just as well.
Set up your coins in a row so they alternate like this:
These coins represent 3 wolves and 3 sheep. Your goal is to separate the wolves from the sheep so that they look like this when you’re done:
Here’s how you can move them:
• You must move two coins that are next to each other with each move (place your index and middle finger of one hand on the two coins)
• Slide the two coins at the same time to another location. You cannot twist your hand to make the coins change position.
That’s it! Can you solve it in 3 moves?
Next level:
In the first example, the row started with a 1 kroner coin on the right and ended with the 1 kroner coins on the left. Starting with the same set up and the same rules, can you solve it so that in the finish position all the 1 kroner coins are to the right instead of the left? (We found a solution with 5 moves but aren’t sure if it can be done in fewer!)
Turn the “L”
You’ll need 5 coins for the next 2 puzzles.
Set up the coins to make an L as shown here. It can be helpful to draw 3 vertical lines and 3 horizontal lines to make a grid as shown here and place the coins on the intersections.
Goal: Turn the L from its starting position so that it is rotated 180°.
Rules: Move one coin at a time. The coin can be moved to any position that is touching at least 2 other coins horizontally, vertically, or both.
Did you solve that ok? Now try to rotate the L 90° as shown below… this puzzle is much more difficult!
SOLUTIONS for these puzzles can be found here.
Thanks for puzzling with us this year! We wish you the very best this holiday season. We hope you’ll drop by our website or our coffee shop to pick up a puzzle or two and say “hello”!
All the best!
Gerd Åsta and Mike
DragonFjord Puzzles